Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Week 5 EOC: Trend Predictor
There is a lot of work when it comes into creating a trend in the fashion industry. In the fashion industry trend projections play a huge role in the branding part of a company. "Progressive brands are moving away from traditional advertising methodologies and opting for consumer insights to connect authentically to the market." (More Than A Name, Melissa Davis, P.153) One of the main trends that seem to be trendy for the fall of 2013, is all shades of the color green. According to the official color of the year is green. "Green is officially a thing for fall 2013. From emerald to army, there’s a shade for every skin tone, hair color, and personal style." ( Designers like Cushnie et Ochs, Marc Jacobs, and Richard Chai Love where some of the designers that incorporated all different shades of green into their Fall 2013 designs. "The interpretation of trend can be tricky as trend is often influenced by personal opinion and personal experience. There is also so much trend information available that brand managers have a difficult time prioritising the most relevant trends that are affecting their business." (More Than A Name, Melissa Davis, P.153) A trend can help a brand grow as a company and as a brand, depending on how the brand is developed and how the public shares uses the trend. There are many things that help a fashion trend forecaster to predict a trend, like for example, Pantone. Pantone is a website that tells people who are interested in the fashion industry the color/ colors of the year. For example, for the year of 2013 it is green. A lot of designers have used this color and a lot of their designs. Trends are very important not only in creating a brand, but they are also important in the fashion industry.

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